Voice Power: The Asset You Don’t Think About

We are such a visual culture: videogames, television, movies, i-Everything. It’s easy to lose connection with other parts of our experience, because we aren’t focused on what we hear, but on what we see. This has given rise to the dreaded, and purely visual, Powerpoint as a consistent method of disseminating information. There it is, all images, text, and content…. and so what? It’s become almost a joke in its banality. Our dependency on visuals as teaching elements is ubiquitous to such a degree that the way the human voice impacts us may become part of our unconscious. And if it resides there, than we may not be cognizant of how voices play on us, or of how we can powerfully impact our own presence…. through effectively using our voice.

Try this exercise as a test: Listen to someone speaking, either in person or on some device – see if you can discern what is being communicated beneath the words, rather than the words themselves. Not easy is it? If you can manage to discern whatever emotional quality is in the voice, see if that quality is congruent, or in sync with, the words being spoken. If you pick up a discrepancy, you may want to question whether the speaker is telling you the truth.

There are a variety of “tests” like this that are fun to play with and interesting to note while also increasing a capacity for vocal awareness of the impact of your own voice, and that of others. What is the nature of your vocal impression? Can you strengthen it the same way you strengthen your handshake? Absolutely! And it’s well worth doing. I’ll share some more tips and tricks next time I write.